Monkeypox virus to get health insurance coverage? Find out

Monkeypox virus to get health insurance coverage? Find out

Mediclaim Plans Starting from 350/-* Per Month

14 + 4 =

*All savings are provided by the insurer as per the IRDAI approved insurance plan. Standard T&C Apply

*Tax benefit is subject to changes in tax laws. Standard T&C Apply

Tax Benefit

Up to Rs. 75,000/-

Save up to 12.5%

On 2-year premium plans

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Monkeypox virus to get health insurance coverage? Find out

If one is travelling abroad and gets infected with Monkeypox, the role of a travel insurance policy becomes important.

Till now, there has not been any reported case of Monkeypox in India and the states and the central government are keeping a close watch on the situation.

The update on Monkeypox virus is that in view of the increasing reports of Monkeypox cases in non-endemic countries, as part of a proactive and risk-based approach for management of Monkeypox and to ensure advance preparedness across the country, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has issued ‘Guidelines on Management of Monkeypox Disease’, today.

While Coronavirus continues to play havoc with the lives and livelihood of the world population, the emergence of the Monkeypox virus is in the news. Monkeypox is a virus transmitted to humans from animals with symptoms very similar to those seen in the past in smallpox patients, although it is clinically less severe.

As of 21 May, 92 laboratory-confirmed cases, and 28 suspected cases of monkeypox with investigations ongoing, have been reported to WHO from 12 Member States that are not endemic for monkeypox virus, across three WHO regions.

Till now, there has not been any reported case of Monkeypox in India and the states and the central government are keeping a close watch on the situation.

Unlike the time when Covid-19 left many individuals stranded for funds during hospitalisation, it is always better to be prepared in advance. Health insurance policies have a role to play in meeting hospitalisation costs arising out of the treatment for any diseases, infections etc. But, will the costs get covered? “ Hospitalization would be covered, subject to policy terms,” says Raghavendra Rao, Chief Distribution Officer, Future Generali India Insurance

“We need to understand that all infectious diseases, including monkeypox, are covered under the basic health insurance policy. If a person is diagnosed and hospitalized in India upon or after arrival, then it will be covered under an individual health insurance policy and not in a travel insurance policy. A travel insurance policy ceases to be valid once the travel is completed,” Rakesh Jain, CEO of Reliance General Insurance Company.

If one is travelling abroad and gets infected with Monkeypox, the role of a travel insurance policy becomes important. “With regard to international travel insurance, it is important to note that certain travel policies only cover accidental death and accidental hospitalization, but not medical hospitalization. If a customer opts for the Medical Expense feature in her travel policy, only then all her emergency medical costs such as hospitalization costs, outpatient and cashless hospitalization will be covered during a foreign trip,” adds Jain.


May 31, 2022 9:49:53 pm

टर्म इंश्योरेंस खरीदना 30 फीसदी तक महंगा होगा, अपने ग्राहकों से इनकम प्रूफ, बैंक स्टेटमेंट की मांग कर सकती हैं कंपनियां

टर्म इंश्योरेंस खरीदना 30 फीसदी तक महंगा होगा, अपने ग्राहकों से इनकम प्रूफ, बैंक स्टेटमेंट की मांग कर सकती हैं कंपनियां

Mediclaim Plans Starting from 350/-* Per Month

12 + 4 =

*All savings are provided by the insurer as per the IRDAI approved insurance plan. Standard T&C Apply

*Tax benefit is subject to changes in tax laws. Standard T&C Apply

Tax Benefit

Up to Rs. 75,000/-

Save up to 12.5%

On 2-year premium plans

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टर्म इंश्योरेंस खरीदना 30 फीसदी तक महंगा होगा, अपने ग्राहकों से इनकम प्रूफ, बैंक स्टेटमेंट की मांग कर सकती हैं कंपनियां.

टर्म इंश्योरेंस खरीदना एक बार फिर महंगा हो सकता है। बीमा कंपनियां टर्म इंश्योरेंस के प्रीमियम में 25% से 30% की बढ़ोतरी की तैयारी में है। बीमा कंपनियों से जुड़े सूत्रों ने यह जानकारी दी है।  मिली जानकारी के अनुसार आठ से 10 कंपनियां टर्म इंश्योरेंस के प्रीमियम में इस साल के अंत से बढ़ोतरी की योजना बनाई है। इस बार प्रीमियम में 30 फीसदी की बढ़ोतरी हो सकती है।

वहीं, पहले से लिए टर्म प्लान के प्रीमियम पर कंपनियों ने 30% से 40% की बढ़ोतरी कर दी है। गौरतलब है कि इससे पहले भी बीमा कंपनियों ने मार्च में पॉलिसी की नवीकरण पर चार से पांच फीसदी अधिक प्रीमियम वसूला था। इस तरह एक साल में दूसरी बार बीमा कंपनियां टर्म इंश्योरेंस के प्रीमिमय में बढ़ोतरी करने जा रही है।

क्यों महंगा हो रहा टर्म इंश्योरेंस

टर्म इंश्योरेंस महंगा होने के बारे में बीमा कंपनियों का कहना है कि उन पर री-इंश्योरेंस कंपनियों का बेहद दबाव है। यही वजह है कि इंश्योरेंस कंपनियों को प्रीमियम का पैसा बढ़ाना पड़ रहा है। यह भी कहा जा रहा है कि री-इंश्योरेंस की अंडरराइटिंग में सख्ती बरती गई है, जिससे इंश्योरेंस महंगा हो रहा है। कुछ अन्य जो बदलाव हो सकते हैं, उनमें बीमा कंपनियां अपने ग्राहकों से इनकम प्रूफ, बैंक स्टेटमेंट की मांग कर सकती हैं। अभी तक ऐसे कागजात नहीं मांगे जा रहे थे। कंपनियां मेडिकल चेकअप के शर्तों को भी सख्त कर सकती हैं।

कोरोना के चलते जोखिम बढ़ा

इंश्योरेंस अंडरराइटिंग के आधार पर इंश्योरेंस कंपनियां प्रीमियम तय करती हैं। अंडरराइटिंग में जितना जोखिम होगा, प्रीमियम उतना ही महंगा हो सकता है। कोरोना महामारी के चलते जोखिम बढ़ा है। इसलिए कंपनियों का कहना है कि उनके पास प्रीमियम बढ़ाने के अलावा कोई और विकल्प नहीं है। गौरतलब है कि कोरोना से हुए लाखों लोगों की आकस्मिक मौत के कारण बीमा कंपनियों पर वित्तीय बोझ बढ़ा है। इसको देखते हुए बीमा कंपनियों ने प्रीमियम में बढ़ोतरी का फैसला किया है।


नई दिल्ली,
(अपडेटेड Fri, 01 Oct 2021 11:24 AM)

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Monkeypox virus to get health insurance coverage? Find out

कोरोना से मौत के मामलों में सिर्फ 14% के पास था बीमा, इलाज में खत्म हुई लोगों की जमापूंजी

Mediclaim Plans Starting from 350/-* Per Month

5 + 8 =

*All savings are provided by the insurer as per the IRDAI approved insurance plan. Standard T&C Apply

*Tax benefit is subject to changes in tax laws. Standard T&C Apply

Tax Benefit

Up to Rs. 75,000/-

Save up to 12.5%

On 2-year premium plans

Peace of Mind

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कोरोना से मौत के मामलों में सिर्फ 14% के पास था बीमा, इलाज में खत्म हुई लोगों की जमापूंजी

देश में कोरोना से अब तक करीब 3.91 लाख लोगों की मौत हो चुकी है, जबकि इसमें से बीमा कवर मात्र 14% के पास ही था

देश में बीमा कवरेज का क्या हाल है इसका अंदाजा आपको कोरोना से मौत के मामलों में किए गए क्लेम से लग सकता है. देश में कोरोना से अब तक करीब 3.91 लाख लोगों की मौत हो चुकी है, जबकि इसमें से बीमा कवर मात्र 14% के पास ही था. वहीं कोरोना के इलाज में लोगों ने अपनी जीवनभर की बचत, जमा पूंजी, जमीन-जायदाद और गहने तक बेच दिए

55,276 लोगों को मिला बीमा क्लेम

देश में कोरोना से अब तक 3.91 लाख लोगों की मौत हो चुकी है. इसमें से सिर्फ 55,276 मौतों के लिए ही बीमा क्लेम किया गया. यानी कोरोना से हुई मौत के करीब 14% मामलों में ही बीमा क्लेम किया गया. ये देश में बीमा कवरेज की हालात बयां करने के लिए काफी है.

3,593 करोड़ रुपये के क्लेम सेटल

इंडियन एक्सप्रेस की खबर के मुताबिक भारतीय बीमा नियामक और विकास प्राधिकरण (IRDAI) की सदस्य (गैर-जीवन बीमा) एल. अलामेलू का कहना है कि सभी बीमा कंपनियों के पास कोविड से मौत के कुल 55,276 क्लेम आए, इसमें से करीब 88% यानी 48,484 मामलों में 3,593 करोड़ रुपये के क्लेम को सेटल किया जा चुका है.

हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस में 15,000 करोड़ के क्लेम

वहीं दूसरी तरफ हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस कैटेगरी में 22 जून तक कंपनियों को 19.11 लाख क्लेम हासिल हुए. इसमें से करीब 80% यानी 15.39 लाख से अधिक 15,000 करोड़ रुपये के बीमा दावों का निपटारा किया जा चुका है. ये दावे मेडिकल इंश्योरेंस या हॉस्पिटलाइजेशन से जुड़े हैं.

मात्र 4% दावे हुए खारिज

हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस के मामले में मात्र 4% और जीवन बीमा के मामले में मात्र 0.66% दावे ही खारिज हुए. ये लगभग नगण्य स्थिति है.

खत्म हुई जीवनभर की बचत

अलामेलू कहती हैं कि एक तरफ देश में कोरोना से मौत के मामलों के इतने कम दावे आए. वहीं दूसरी तरफ कोरोना के इलाज में लोगों की जीवनभर की बचत खत्म हो गई, गहने, जमीन-जायदाद बिक गए. इसमें गरीबी रेखा से नीचे वाले लोग भी शामिल हैं.

ऐसे में ये दिखाता है कि देश में बीमा उत्पादों की कितनी जरूरत है. और बीमा कंपनियों के पास कितना बड़ा अवसर है.

अलामेलू का कहना है कि बीमा उद्योग और नियामक दोनों ने इस मुश्किल वक्त की जरूरतों को ध्यान में रखते हुए नई पॉलिसियां डिजाइन कीं. यहां तक कि पॉलिसी धारकों के लिए कुछ प्रक्रियाओं को भी आसान किया गया.

बीते साल हेल्थ और जीवन बीमा को मिलाकर इंश्योरेंस सेक्टर ने 9% की ग्रोथ दर्ज की थी, जबकि चालू वित्त वर्ष के शुरुआती दो महीनों में ये 17% है.

कंपनियां बरत रही सावधानी

लेकिन जैसे-जैसे देश में कोरोना की मौतों की संख्या बढ़ रही हैं. बीमा कंपनियां नए बीमा देने को लेकर चौकन्नी हो गई हैं. वो ग्राहकों से वैक्सीन प्रमाणपत्र और मेडिकल चेक-अप जैसी जानकारियां मांग रही हैं.



नई दिल्ली,
25 जून 2021,
(अपडेटेड 25 जून 2021, 7:00 PM IST)

Body Immunity: इस तरह पता करें अपनी इम्यूनिटी, स्ट्रॉन्ग है या कमजोर

Mediclaim Plans Starting from 350/-* Per Month

5 + 7 =

*All savings are provided by the insurer as per the IRDAI approved insurance plan. Standard T&C Apply

*Tax benefit is subject to changes in tax laws. Standard T&C Apply

Tax Benefit

Up to Rs. 75,000/-

Save up to 12.5%

On 2-year premium plans

Peace of Mind

Be a happy customer

Body Immunity: इस तरह पता करें अपनी इम्यूनिटी, स्ट्रॉन्ग है या कमजोर

अगर हमारी इम्यूनिटी मजबूत है तो हमारा शरीर कई तरह के रोगों से बच सकता है. इम्यूनिटी बीमारियों से लड़ने के लिए जरूरी है. ऐसे में ये जानना जरूरी है कि आपकी रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता मजबूत है या कमजोर?

कोरोना की दूसरी लहर उन लोगों को सबसे ज्यादा प्रभावित कर रही है जिनकी इम्यूनिटी कमजोर है. डॉक्टर और वैज्ञानिकों का कहना है कि इम्यू‍निटी कमजोर होने पर कोरोना का खतरा ज्यादा बढ़ रहा है. जिन लोगों की इम्यूनिटी दुरुस्त है वो जल्दी बीमार नहीं पड़ते हैं. अगर हमारी इम्यूनिटी अच्छी है तो हमें कई बीमारियों से बचा कर रखती है. सफेद रक्‍त कोशिकाओं, एंटीबॉडीज और अन्‍य कई तत्‍वों से हमारा इम्‍यून सिस्‍टम बनता है. ऐसे में जिन लोगों का इम्‍यून सिस्‍टम कमजोर होता है वो जल्दी बीमार पड़ते हैं. जब से कोरोना महामारी पूरी दुनिया में आई है तब से लोग अपनी इम्यूनिटी बढ़ाने के लिए कई उपाय कर रहे हैं. ऐसे में लोगों के मन में ये सवाल भी आ रहा है कि ये कैसे पता करें कि हमारा इम्यून सिस्टम दुरुस्त है या कमजोर? आइये जानते हैं कि आप कैसे इसका पता कर सकते हैं.

कैसे पता करें कि इम्यून सिस्टम स्ट्रॉन्ग है या कमजोर

⦁ अगर आपको जल्दी सर्दी, जुकाम, खांसी होती है और जल्दी बीमार पड़ते हैं तो समझ जाएं कि आपकी इम्यूनिटी कमज़ोर है.
⦁ कमजोर इम्यून सिस्टम वाले लोग मौसम बदलते ही कुछ ना कुछ समस्या से परेशान हो जाते हैं.
⦁ इसके अलावा अगर आपको कुछ खाने-पीने से जल्दी इंफेक्शन हो जाता है, तो भी आपकी इम्यूनिटी कमजोर है.

कमजोर इम्यूनिटी की पहचान 

  • आंखों के नीचे काले घेरे होना
    • सुबह जगने के बाद ताज़ा महसूस न करना
    • दिनभर एनर्जी लेवल कम लगना
    • किसी चीज़ में ध्यान नहीं लगाना
    • अक्सर पेट की समस्या रहना
    • स्वभाव में चिड़चिड़ाहट रहना
    • जल्दी बीमार पड़ जाना
    • जल्‍दी थक जाना और शरीर में ढीलापन रहना

स्ट्रॉंग इम्यूनिटी की पहचान 

⦁ स्ट्रॉंग इम्यूनिटी वाले लोग बिना दवा के ही कई तरह के संक्रमण और बीमारियों से अपने आप ठीक हो जाते हैं.
⦁ स्ट्रांग इम्यून सिस्टम वाले लोग वायरल और दूसरे कई तरह के इन्फेक्शन से खुद को बचा लेते हैं.
⦁ जिन लोगों की इम्यूनिटी स्ट्रॉंग होती है उनको सर्दी-खांसी का जल्दी-जल्दी असर नहीं होता. इसके अलावा
⦁ स्ट्रॉंग इम्यूनिटी वाले लोगों के शरीर में अगर कहीं घाव या कोई चोट लगी है तो ये लोग जल्दी रिकवर करते हैं.

इम्यूनिटी बढ़ाने के लिए क्या खाएं 

⦁ इम्यूनिटी बूस्ट करने के लिए आपको विटामिन सी से भरपूर फल जैसे ऑरेंज, कीवी, आम, अमरूद, और नींबू जैसे फल खाने चाहिए.
⦁ इम्यून सिस्टम को दुरुस्त करने के लिए गर्मियों में दही खाएं. दही विटामिन डी से फोर्टीफाइड होती है, जिससे इम्यून सिस्टम अच्छी तरह चलता है.
⦁ इम्यूनिटी बढ़ाने के लिए आप ब्रोकोली खा सकते हैं इसमें फाइटोकेमिकल्स और एंटीऑक्सिडेंट गुण पाएं जाते हैं जिससे इम्यूनिटी बढ़ती है.
⦁ कीवी में एंटी ऑक्सीडेंट्स और विटामिन ई की अच्छी मात्रा होती है. जिससे इम्यूनिटी मजबूत होती है.


06 May 2021 06:25 PM (IST)

Covid-19 recovered patients not eligible for insurance for now?

Mediclaim Plans Starting from 350/-* Per Month

1 + 4 =

*All savings are provided by the insurer as per the IRDAI approved insurance plan. Standard T&C Apply

*Tax benefit is subject to changes in tax laws. Standard T&C Apply

Tax Benefit

Up to Rs. 75,000/-

Save up to 12.5%

On 2-year premium plans

Peace of Mind

Be a happy customer

Attention! Covid-19 recovered patients not eligible for insurance for now?

The uncertainty around Covid-19 and developing strains and the rising claims are making insurers jittery about on-boarding Covid-19 patients. Although Covid-19 does not qualify as a chronic disease, the degree of scrutiny is greater for Covid-19 recovered patients.

The bad news around Covid-19 has no end. If you are someone who has recently recovered from Covid-19 and looking to to buy a life or a health insurance policy, you may not get it. The life and health insurers are adopting stringent underwriting norms for Covid-19 recovered patients. In most cases, they will have to wait for up to six months before their proposal form is accepted.

“Insurance companies are not sure of long-term effects of Covid-19. Different companies are taking different stance on people who have just turned Covid-19 negative. Some companies have a cool-off period of three months, others six months or for some no cool-off period at all. It depends on underwriting guidelines of an insurer,” says Amit Chhabra, head- Health Insurance,

Health insurance
The policy proposer must be upfront and honest about Covid-19 history and submit relevant documents such as discharge summary (if hospitalised) and Covid-19 negative report. Even caregivers are supposed to declare it in the proposal forms. After you fill up the proposal form, the underwriting team comes back to you to fetch more details, if needed. Based on your health records the insurers take a call about accepting, rejecting or postponing the proposal form. In some cases, Covid-19 recovered patients may have to undergo medical tests as well.

“Medical tests will not be mandated just on the basis of a COVID-19 declaration. A customer is subjected to it depending on various factors such as age/sum insured opted for/ any pre-existing conditions etc. Having said that, insurers may further refine the tests that COVID recovered patients may be subjected to, if need be,” says Sanjay Datta, Chief-Underwriting, Claims and Reinsurance, ICICI Lombard General Insurance.

He points out it is hard for anyone to put an “x” number of days as cool-off period for the novel Covid-19 disease. “COVID-19 is known to have long terms side-effects affecting major organs such as the lungs, heart etc. With the advent of the second wave, even the medical fraternity is gradually learning about new long-term implications of the disease which were not seen to a large extent in the first wave,” says Datta.

Star Health & Allied Insurance, which has no cool-off period for Covid-19, says insurance industry needs to be more inclusive to increase penetration of health insurance. “We have no special criteria to cover Covid-19 recovered patients. The problem is many insurance companies do not engage with qualified medical doctors in underwriting areas. Our underwriting team comprises a highly qualified expert panel. We have studied the data. We are convinced that without any compromise we are willing to cover people who were diagnosed with Covid-19. They just have to declare it and submit discharge summery,” says Dr. S. Prakash, Managing Director, Star Health and Allied Insurance.

Life Insurance

Life insurers are much more stringent in underwriting processes due to life policies being a long-term contract. They are not even considering the proposal form before the cool-off period ends or if they are, they are loading the premium. Industry sources inform HDFC Life has a waiting period of 60 days, while at Max Life it is 90 days.

“For recovered patients, if they have a history of COVID hospitalisation in the last three months or if they were home quarantined in the last 30 days, the waiting period is a minimum of three months,” says Kamlesh Gupta, Appointed Actuary, Aegon Life Insurance.

He further cautioned that one should maintain the medical records of the COVID diagnosis. As records for all tests and treatments are important to prove the Covid recovery for policy eligibility. “Also, it is important to maintain the COVID 19 vaccination details. Due to the uncertain nature of COVID 19, there can be additional medical tests required to rule out medical risks as required by the Underwriter,” he says.

The uncertainty around Covid-19 and developing strains and the rising claims are making insurers jittery about on-boarding Covid-19 patients. Although Covid-19 does not qualify as a chronic disease, the degree of scrutiny is greater for Covid-19 recovered patients.

Sajja Praveen Chowdary, Head – Life Insurance, emphasises there is nothing unusual about introducing cool-off period for Covid-19 patients. “Life insurers always ask you if you have had a severe disease in the last six months. Earlier most people were answering no to the question. Now a lot of people are declaring having been Covid-19 positive. As a result, more and more people are falling in this category,” says Praveen.


May 5, 2021 | UPDATED 13:10 IST

Health Insurance

Mediclaim Plans Starting from 350/-* Per Month

10 + 2 =

*All savings are provided by the insurer as per the IRDAI approved insurance plan. Standard T&C Apply

*Tax benefit is subject to changes in tax laws. Standard T&C Apply

Tax Benefit

Up to Rs. 75,000/-

Save up to 12.5%

On 2-year premium plans

Peace of Mind

Be a happy customer

The most appropriate financial planning tool available in the insurance market is to ensure the safety of one’s loved ones are various health insurance plans that cover each family member.

Let’s face it, medical treatments aren’t cheap in India. Without health insurance coverage you could end up paying off medical bills for the rest of your life. Innovative Insurance can help you find an affordable healthcare plan that’s right for you. Contact us today to learn more.

It will have a single annual premium and a fixed sum insured. There is much more available now with each insurance company. The premium to be paid depends on the age of the family members. It usually covers the policyholder, spouse, and up to 4 children. There are plans in which parents, siblings, and extended family members (such as in-laws) are also covered for an additional premium.

Types of Health Insurance Plans in India:-

Health Insurance in India can be broadly classified into the following types:

 Family Floater plans: The best and highest selling plan, which covers the entire family in one health insurance plan. It works under the assumption that not all members of a family will suffer from illness at one time. These plans cover hospital-related expenses which can be pre and post-hospitalization. Most health insurance companies in India offering family insurance have a wide network of hospitals that help the insured people in times of an emergency.

Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plans: As the name suggests, senior citizen health insurance plans are for the older people of the family. These plans cover health issues arising during old age. As per IRDAI guidelines, each insurer must provide cover up to the age of 65 years.

Maternity Insurance Plans: Maternity health insurance plans provide coverage for maternity and other additional expenses. These policies take care of both pre and post-natal care, and delivery of baby i.e. normal or cesarean deliveries. Just like other health insurance plans, maternity insurance providers usually have a wide range of network hospitals and also takes care of ambulance expenses. As you progress and you reach 60 years of age, your body needs special attention. Hence, it is only wise to invest in a health insurance plan that takes care of your specific needs. Various insurance providers have customized plans that are designed for senior citizens and cater to the needs of older people of the society. Some of the best health insurance plans are provided by Star Health Insurance, Bajaj Allianz, Max Bupa, HDFC Ergo Health Insurance (Apollo Munich), ICICI Lombard and Religare Health Insurance,

 Super Surplus Insurance Plans: Saves you money if you already have an existing plan given by your employer. Works as an add-on or top-up to your existing plan to give you extra coverage at a low cost

 Hospital Daily Cash Benefit Plans: Hospital Daily cash benefits are a defined benefit policy that provides a certain sum of money for every day of hospitalization.

 Critical Illness Plans: These plans are benefit-based policies, where a lump sum benefit amount is paid on diagnosis of covered critical illness. These diseases are usually specific, with high severity and low frequency in nature. Hence, the treatment cost is high when compared to day to day medical / treatment need. Some of these illnesses include heart attack, cancer, stroke, etc. Women are subjected to a number of health hazards and medical conditions that the other gender does not have to suffer from. This is basically because of the difference in their biological make and the fact that there are several risks associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and menstruation. Many insurance providers understand a woman’s plight and have introduced various health insurance plans that combat critical illnesses associated with the fairer sex of the society. The critical illness plan covers a number of medical conditions such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, burns, paralysis, fallopian tube cancer, uterine or endometrial cancer, vaginal cancer, and ovarian cancer.

 Health Insurance For Parents: As a child, your parents always invested in raising you well and giving you the best. Hence, now it is important that their needs are catered to so that they stay in the pink of their health in their later years. Therefore, various insurance providers have rolled out special health insurance plans that cater to the medical needs of their parents. These plans cover pre and post-hospitalization charges, ambulance charges and a few of them are also inclusive of pre-existing diseases.

Features of Health Insurance:-

Health insurance companies offer a wide variety of policies, tailored to the unique health necessities of their customers. Hence, numerous plans encompass different functions associated with medical remedies, surgeries, etc.

Domiciliary Hospitalization: Medical charges incurred because of remedies undertaken at domestic for a duration of greater than three days.

Expenses for Organ Donation: Some health insurance plans cover medical charges incurred within the process of organ donation. If you’re being donated an organ, your donor may be financially secured by way of your medical health insurance plan.

Day Care Procedures: Daycare methods or medical treatments like dialysis, angiography, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, appendectomy, colonoscopy, lithotripsy, hydrocele, eye surgical procedure, amongst others. Certain high-end medical health insurance plans cover all daycare treatment techniques.

AYUSH Treatment: Alternative clinical remedies or AYUSH, which stands for Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy are covered for policyholders who’ve opted for it.

Hospital Cash: Daily expenses for food, health center stay, etc. which might be incurred by way of your caretaker in the course of your hospitalization may be provided on medical health insurance plans or can be available as a rider. Health insurance plans also provide compensation for the loss of income because of health issues.

Ambulance Cover: Health insurance policies cover expenses for ambulance service.

Check-ups: General fitness check-ups are included with the umbrella of some health insurance plans.

Vaccinations: Certain medical insurance plans cover vaccination fees for bee stings, dog bites, etc.

Emergency Evacuation: Under emergency conditions whilst a patient needs to be transferred from one health facility to another, health insurance plans cover prices involved inside the relocation process.

Does a Health Insurance Policy Cover Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

The recent coronavirus outbreak has recently shaken everyone. More than 118,000 cases in 114 countries and 4,291 have already lost their lives. Besides, thousands more have been fighting for their survival in hospitals.

Listed below are some important pointers that you should not miss as per IRDA’s circular:

On March 4, 2020, the Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority of India have advised on the handling of claims under the coronavirus wherein the claims of coronavirus need to be handled expeditiously and the health insurance companies need to provide cover for the medical expenses incurred during the treatment and the quarantine period. As per the applicable terms and conditions of the health insurance plan.

Any claim reported under the coronavirus will be thoroughly reviewed by the claim review committee.

IRDA has also advised the health insurance companies to design.

Now, COVID-19 has been declared as a pandemic therefore, you need to check with the health insurance company as they might be unable to settle the claim under the health insurance policy under such a situation. However, most of the health insurance companies do provide a cover under pandemics or epidemics depending upon the health insurance plan you choose.

Now, let us understand the following situations wherein claims for the treatment of coronavirus will get rejected:

In case, if an individual is affected with coronavirus and then intending to buy health insurance policy most likely it will not be covered under the newly bought health insurance policy.

The policyholder will not get a claim filed if the treatment of coronavirus falls within the waiting period of the health insurance policy.

If an individual is diagnosed with coronavirus within the waiting period of the health insurance policy it will not get covered.

Any claim will not be settled if an individual gets infected with coronavirus from any of the family members who recently traveled to coronavirus affected countries such as Italy, China, Republic of Korea, Japan, Macau, Taiwan, Kuwait, Singapore, South Korea, and Hong Kong.


Documents Required for Buy Medical Insurance Policy

  • Proof of Age: Acceptable documents are Birth Certificate, PAN Card, Voter’s ID, Driving License, Passport, School or College Certificate, etc.
  • Photo Identity Proof: Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Driving License, Passport, Voter’s ID, etc.
  • Proof of Address: Acceptable documents are Ration Card, Telephone Bill, Electricity Bill
    Passport, Voter’s ID, Bank A/C Statement, etc.
  • Proof of Income: Salary Slip, Employer’s Certificate, Form 16, etc.
  • Medical Checkup: If asked by the insurance company
  • Passport Size Photograph x2
  • Height & weight of the members

What is Health Insurance Portability?

Health insurance policies are portable, which means the policyholder can transfer their policy from one insurance company to another. In the past, when a policyholder opted for this option, it resulted in them losing certain benefits, such as the waiting period for covering pre-existing ailments. However, now the insurance regulator protects the policyholder by giving the individual the right to port his or her health insurance policy to another insurer, keeping the benefits intact. The regulator has stated that the new insurer “shall allow for credit gained by the insured for a pre-existing condition(s) in terms of waiting period”.

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